Goal Setting

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My absolute favorite author and blogger is Rachel Hollis. She wrote a blog that I would dare to say is REQUIRED to start any successful business.

The first step toward achieving your goal is to know where you’re headed. The problem is that often people think that’s all they need to know. They forget one crucial piece of the puzzle: a map only works if you know both your end and your starting point. Said another way, you cannot get to where you want to go if you don’t know where you are.

How often do you set out on a road trip without a map or directions?

The only time we do that is if we don’t care where we end up—we just want to take a drive and listen to music and see what we find. But, if we actually have somewhere we want to be, if we actually have a destination in mind, we always have a map.


Because a map can get us there faster and more efficiently. Because when we see something from a ten- thousand- foot view, we’re able to plan for and anticipate things that might pop up along the way. It’s much harder to have any kind of real strategy when you’re on the road.


First of all, you’ve got to start at the end. Counterintuitive, perhaps, but super effective in figuring out what direction your path should go. You should have one clear and defining objective, one goal you’re focused on right now. That’s where you start.

How much money do you want to make? How many clients do you want to have? How many hours do you want to work? Start thinking of the goals you want to reach as a virtual assistant.


Now that you know where you want to go, you need to practice some self- awareness and be really honest about where you’re starting from.

How much are you making right now? What are you currently doing for work? What kind of hours are you currently working?


Now that you know where you’re going and you know where you’re starting, the next step is to mark every single thing that might help you get closer to the goal. Thats where my help comes in! Throughout this course, you'll learn the tangible action steps to take to have a successful Virtual Assistant business.

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